3 Powerful Ways to Combat a Flared up Anxiety (And Cease Worrying)
No, not the cliché meditation or listening to calming music
A traumatic childhood and my mother’s sweet genetics have bestowed the gift of crippling anxiety upon me.
But while I’ve accepted the insidious stomach butterflies and rapid fidgeting as part of my life, some anxiety flare-ups get really ugly.
The worst of them used to give me panic attacks, insomnia, and skull-shattering headaches.
But I’ve gained enough control to prevent normal anxiety flare-ups from worsening — insomnia and panic are things of the past.
I want to share the 3 things that have helped me the most — so the rest of my anxiety-stricken brethren can also benefit.
Get to The Root “Why” of Your Anxiety
As I’m penning this, my anxiety’s ramping up.
But I know it’s because of my pre-workout caffeine mixed with the excitement of the day’s plans.
Without the “why”, you’ll fall prey to the anxiety loop — the awareness of your anxiety makes you more anxious, which heightens your awareness.
But when you know the root cause, you’ll stamp out the budding fire with your leather shoes—rather than feed it with a bucket load of kerosene.
Facing your anxiety can be uncomfortable but bear with it. Gather your wits and patiently probe your anxiety.
Why am I feeling anxious?
Can I do anything to control or change it?
Does it actually matter in the present moment?
Is this thought even valid? If it isn’t, why am I entertaining it?
99% of the time, you’ll find there was actually nothing to worry about
The other 1%?
You’ll at least know what to do to solve it.