How I Reduced My Daily Smartphone Usage from 7+ Hours to 30 Minutes
A step-by-step guide to help you do the same and reclaim your life
As Uncle Ben said, “With great power comes great responsibility”, smartphones are double-edged swords.
While you can run million-dollar businesses using them, you can also let them fetter you to utter ruin — through doom scrolling, social media, porn, and video games.
With the average American spending a whopping 5.4 hours on their smartphone daily, it’s, unfortunately, the latter for most. Anxiety, eyestrain, headaches, depression, and rock-bottom motivation — the effects are terrible.
“The cell phone has become the adult’s transitional object, replacing the toddler’s teddy bear for comfort and a sense of belonging.”
Back in college, I wasn’t any different — I’d spend 7 to 10 brain-draining hours glued to my smartphone on the regular. Over the past year, I’ve systematically pruned it down to 30 minutes — some days it’s even lesser than 20.
The result? An insane boost in my motivation, free time, and mental energy. Not to mention — deeper sleep and better relationships. All of these synergize into a higher quality of life.
I want to share the steps that have helped me achieve this — and will help you do the same.