A little over a week ago, I had announced that we’d be having Thursday conversation threads. And here’s the first one!
The topic for today is the habit that has impacted your life the most. I’ll go first, for me, it’s a hard choice between reading and working out, but I’ll go with working out.
In the 5 years since I started working out, I have gone from a weak skinny fat teen to a strong, lean, and muscular young adult. And the physical aspect is not even the main benefit.
The incredible boost to my self-esteem, the inculcated qualities mainly discipline, and the insatiable hunger to improve myself - these are the benefits that have propelled working out to the top spot in my habit totem pole.
If not for this, I might still have been that wimpy stuttering skinny kid with rock-bottom self-confidence. Working out is just empowering.
Now, it’s your turn. I and the others would love to know what has been the most impactful habit for you and how exactly has it impacted your life.
I've started my gratitude Journaling and along with it I also write 3 good things about myself or things I've managed to improve. I feel we lose track of how we've come a long way and how we are worthy too and this helps me remember.
I’m going to copy your thoughts on working out… started lifting weights at 48 and now at 58 I’m not only stronger, healthier but more disciplined in most aspects of my life. And no matter my mood… sad happy angry .. a good work out neutralizes it… it’s my therapy!